Personal Development is at the heart of everything we do at Park Road.  We believe that children should aspire to be the best possible version of themselves – both academically and in their personal character development.  Our mission statement ‘Unique Individuals Learning Together’ underpins this throughout our children’s whole school journey

As a school, we have developed a well-planned, sequenced and varied personal development curriculum throughout the school.  Through the curriculum, children will develop their understanding of important values, necessary to be a successful citizen of the world.  British Values are taught throughout the curriculum and through a weekly session linked to the current news.  During PSHE sessions children will be taught how to keep themselves safe, healthy and happy.

As a school, we offer a wide range of extra-curricular enrichment activities which ensure that children’s cultural capital is well developed.  This includes residential trips in years 2, 4 and 6 as well as day visits to support a range of learning, music provision delivered by music specialists, developed lunchtime provision and a variety of after-school clubs that offer a range of opportunities. We also have a sports apprentice providing the children with high quality sports provision and learning.  We believe that enrichment activities have a big impact on children's social development, engagement with learning, academic success and general happiness.