Pastoral Support is available to all of our children and families at Park Road.  In school, we offer a waved approach to support, which children and families, can enter at any stage.  This support can be suggested by school but also sought by families. 

In classes, all children have the opportunity to access 1:1 class-based nurture.  This is where a trusted adult may complete regular check ins with the child and offer them a safe space to share their feelings.  They may support with coping strategies and approaches to managing situations that the child finds challenging.  This is normally delivered by an adult based in the class.

Some children may require further support by our trained ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant) and EBSA (Emotional Based School Avoidance) leader.  In school this is Mrs Robinson and may include 1:1 or small group sessions.  These are normally weekly but can be more frequent if required.   These normally focus on a particular challenge, that is impacting on a child’s wellbeing, which in turn affects progress, attainment or attendance.  The sessions will have a clear focus to develop children’s understanding of how they can manage situations and emotions.  This work is always started in discussion with families and is completed away from the classroom in a private, safe space.  

Mrs Wilkinson is currently our Early Help Lead in school and may support families accessing support or by providing more complex support for children who have perhaps faced some form of trauma.  Mrs Wilkinson is trained in Trauma in Practice and counselling.  Work with Mrs Wilkinson is agreed by the family and the headteacher or SENDCo.  It is always 1:1 and is carried out away from the classroom.  On occasion, Mrs Wilkinson may support with some ELSA type work, using an approach called Next Steps.  This is targeted work around a challenge and provides children with the skills and confidence to help make a positive change for themselves and their own wellbeing and mental health.    

For some children, they may need to access support from external professionals, such as play therapists.  Referrals and decisions for this service will always be sought in consultation with families. 

If your child requires support, or you have concerns regarding their emotional wellbeing, please speak to the class teacher in the first instance.

You may also wish to speak to the school SENDCo, Mrs Akinyemi, or the Headteacher, Mrs Quigley.  They can both be contacted via the school office.