At Park Road, we use a programme called Seesaw which allows us to:

  • Record a child’s work and progress
  • Show parents their child’s work in school and to keep them informed
  • Set work for children allowing interaction with teachers for assessment and feedback
  • Allow direct communication between parents and teachers
  • Act as the key communication tool between the school and families

Seesaw can be accessed by an app on via a website. The feedback we have received is that it is simple for children and families to use.  

Seesaw for children (home learning)

Seesaw for home learning, is an online journal that allows children to access work set by their teacher and can be completed as homework or as remote learning.  Teachers can set the work in a number of ways to give children variety and keep them engaged. 

When you join Park Road an invitation will be issued to every child to allow them to access Seesaw using the technology that they have available to them.  If accessing via a smartphone or tablet, you will be asked to download an app (Seesaw for Students) and you will be asked to scan a QR code or input a code.

Only the teacher, your child and family members with access via Seesaw will be able to see their journal. Any comments made on the journal will need to be authorised by the class teacher. 


Seesaw for families (parent communication)

Seesaw for families allows you to see your child’s journal and make comment on entries. Please remember that all comments will need to be approved by the class teacher first and be aware that items may be added for the whole or multiple members of the class so please bear this in mind when commenting as anyone included on the journal entry will be able to see your comment. 

The teacher will be able to use announcements to family members or will be able to send a message to a family member using the inbox function. Messages sent using the inbox function, will only be visible to the teacher and the family member, not to the child – this is the same for any reply made to these messages.


You can find our Home Learning Policy on our Policies and Reports page