Promoting happy minds with new initiative

Wellbeing is the focus of a new initiative which has launched at Park Road Community Primary school this term.
As part of the My Happy Mind programme, pupils get the chance to take part in regular class sessions which focus on building resilience, self-esteem and confidence as well as their overall wellbeing.
This week the children were introduced to our brains and three main parts the My Happy Mind programme focuses on - the hippocampus, the amygdala and the prefrontal cortex.
Pupils have enjoyed drawing their brain as well as making glitter bottles which represent feelings and can be used to as a way to calm down if they become stressed or anxious.
My Happy Mind is commissioned by the NHS and uses the latest science and research looking at what it takes to create positive wellbeing to build sessions which are then used in school.
The programme is taught across the school by class teachers with a special wellbeing curriculum for every year group from Early Years to Year 6.
Great start everyone!