Non-Statutory Assessment

School undertakes termly summative assessments from Years1 to 6.  In Years 2 and 6, previous SATs papers may be used to familiarise the children with the formats.  The termly assessments ensure progress is being made and aids transition to the next class/school.

Statutory Assessments In Primary Schools

Reception Baseline Assessments

The Reception Baseline Assessment (RBA) is a short, interactive and practical assessment of a child’s early literacy, communication, language and mathematics skills when they join the reception class, using materials that most children will be familiar with.  There is no pass or fail for these assessments and they are purely to create a starting point to measure the progress school makes with our pupils.


Phonics Screening Check

The phonics screening check is a short, simple assessment to ensure that all pupils have learnt phonic decoding to an appropriate standard by the age of 6 years old. All Year 1 pupils in maintained schools, academies and free schools must complete the check. This is undertaken during the summer term.


The phonics check is to support teachers in identifying the children who need extra help so they can receive the support they need to improve their reading skills. If a pupil does not pass the check in Year 1, they will retake the check in Year 2.  If the pupil does not pass the phonics screening test for a second year, they will not undertake the check in Year 3. The Year 3 class teachers however will be made aware of these children to provide additional phonics support.


The phonics screening check comprises a list of 40 words and non-words which the child will read in a one-to-one situation with a teacher.


Standard Assessment Tests (SATs)

SATS tests are given at the end of Key Stage 1 (KS1) and Key Stage 2 (KS2). They are used to track progress and attainment of children in schools from Early Years to end of Key Stage 1 and end of Key Stage 1 to end of Key Stage 2. They comprise a mixture of teacher-led and test-based assessments. 


The DfE announced that from academic year 2023/24, the end of KS1 assessment will be optional.  As a school, Park Road will continue to use the assessment materials at the end of KS1, but results will not be published or used by the DfE to assess progress from KS1 to KS2.


End of Key Stage 1 – Non-Statutory Assessment

During June all children in Year 2 will undertake the end of Key Stage 1 SATs for reading and maths. Children will be assessed in reading, writing, maths and science.



The children will have two booklets to complete. The first focuses on fluency and the second is reasoning. The only maths resources they have available to use are a ruler and mirror. There may be questions where they have to write an explanation of their ‘working out’ but they will not be judged on their spelling or handwriting. Children can ask the teacher to read the questions to them. The fluency booklet takes approximately 20 minutes, and the reasoning booklet takes approximately 35 minutes (both tests are not strictly timed).



Children will be tested on their written comprehension. The children will undertake two booklets containing a range of texts (usually fiction, non-fiction and poetry) which they will read and answer questions about. The second booklet is more challenging and tests high level comprehension. This will include harder texts and have more complex questions to answer. The teacher can decide if it is not appropriate for a child to sit the test or stop during the test at any time. The two test marks are combined to give an overall result. Booklet one takes approximately 30 minutes and booklet two will take approximately 40 minutes (both tests are not strictly timed).



The class teacher will provide the children with opportunities to write in a range of genres throughout the year. They will then assess their writing to form their teacher assessment using the National Curriculum expectations.



Throughout the year the class teacher will provide opportunities for children to access the science curriculum and assess their understanding. This knowledge will be used to produce a teacher assessment using the National Curriculum expectations.


All Key Stage 1 tests are marked internally. The reading and maths papers are checked by members of the school for consistency and accuracy. To ensure writing levels are accurate, rigorous moderation is undertaken internally with all teaching staff, the Omega Multi Academy Trust and other primary schools.


With each test undertaken, a standardised score is given from the raw score. A standardised score below 100 identifies the child is working towards the expected standard, 100 or above identifies the child is working at the expected standard. The class teacher then uses this information, alongside work undertaken throughout the year, to produce a teacher assessment.


The children’s results are shared with parents in the end of year report.


End of Key Stage 2

In Key Stage 2 SATs are undertaken in Year 6 and are more formal. They take place in May in a dedicated week and all tests must be administered on days specified in the statutory test timetable set by the Department for Education and Standards and Testing Agency. Therefore, it is essential that your child is in school during this week – please refer to the Dates for the Diary that was sent home at the beginning of the school year.



This test consists of a reading booklet and a separate answer booklet. Children will have a total of one hour to read the three texts in the reading booklet and complete the questions.


English Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling

The grammar and punctuation paper component consists of a single test paper. Children will have 45 minutes to complete the test, answering the questions in the test paper. The spelling test consists of an answer booklet for children to complete and a test transcript to be read by their teacher or another test administrator eg headteacher, deputy headteacher.  Children will have approximately 15 minutes to complete the test by writing the 20 missing words in the answer booklet.



To assess the children’s maths three papers are undertaken, one assessing fluency and two assessing reasoning. Children have 30 minutes to complete the fluency test and 40 minutes to complete each reasoning test paper.  The only maths resources they have available to use are a ruler in all tests, and an angle measure or protractor and mirror in the reasoning tests. There may be questions where they must write an explanation of their ‘working out’ but they will not be judged on their spelling or handwriting. Children can ask the teacher to read the questions to them.



Writing is not undertaken through a SATs test but assessed through writing in a range of genres over a period of time. Like Key Stage 1, to ensure writing judgments are accurate rigorous moderation is undertaken with all teaching staff, the Omega Multi Academy Trust, other primary schools and the local authority. External moderation by the local authority is undertaken periodically. 



Throughout the year the class teacher will provide opportunities for children to access the science curriculum and assess their understanding. This knowledge will be used to produce a teacher assessment.


All the Key Stage 2 tests are kept sealed and locked away until the time of the test.  The test pack is opened in front of the children before the specific test starts. Unlike Key Stage 1, all Key Stage 2 papers are sent away to be marked.


The teachers are also required to submit teacher assessments for each child in writing and science. The results parents receive are test results for reading, grammar, punctuation and spelling and teacher assessments for writing and science.


When a test is undertaken, maths, grammar and reading, a standardised score in calculated from the raw score. A standardised score below 100 identifies the child is working towards the expected standard, a score of 100 to 109 identifies they are working at the expected standard and a score of 110 or more means they are exceeding the expected standard. The class teacher then uses this information, alongside work undertaken throughout the year, to produce a teacher assessment.


The children’s results are shared with parents in the end of year report. 


In the Spring term, the Year 6 team will lead a SATs information parent’s session.


The Multiplication Tables Check 

The Multiplication Tables Check (MTC) is a Key Stage 2 assessment to be taken by pupils at the end of year 4 (in June). The purpose of the MTC is to make sure the pupils times tables knowledge is at the expected level. 


The MTC is an online test where the pupils are asked 25 questions on times tables 2 to 12. For every question you have 6 seconds to answer and in between the questions there is a 3 second rest. Questions about the 6-, 7-, 8-, 9-, and 12-times table come up more often. The questions are generated randomly based on the rules of the MTC. 


The children regularly undertake times table learning in class and Times Table Rock Stars reinforces this learning at home. Prior to undertaking the screen, the children will have the opportunity to undertake a practice, so they are familiar with the organisation. The screen is similar to the soundcheck game on Times Table Rock Stars if you would like to familiarise yourself with it.  


Additional Support

If a child has any special education need (SEN) and needs further support, there are many options to support them.  This can be arranged through a meeting with our SENDCo.