We recognise that all of our school community make a positive contribution to our school and we value and welcome that support.  School Governors are volunteers who attend meetings and work to further the school’s development.  They attend full governing body meetings each term, together with being a member of particular specialist committees. Together with the Headteacher, they set the direction for the school and review the quality of education for all children and all abilities. 

Governing bodies make decisions collectively on matters such as finance, performance targets, school policies and the school's improvement strategy.  They respond to Ofsted recommendations, provide the Headteacher with support and advice and decide school level policy for the management of the school.

We are very grateful for the support and advice they provide.

The Governing Body at Park Road CP School is chaired by Michelle Kilmurray, who has been a Governor since December 2019. Michelle can be contacted through the School Office.

Welcome from the Chair of Governors

I clearly remember visiting Park Road Primary School as a prospective parent, being new to the Sankey area. I remember feeling a sense of warmth, energy, community and seeing class after class of pupils enjoying their learning. I knew right away that this was where I wanted my children to come to learn and thrive in a real community school. In my professional life I am an NHS Clinical Psychologist, with 19 years experience of working in the NHS. I am passionate about promoting children’s wellbeing and when the opportunity to join the governing body came up, I hoped to use my professional skills to support school to further develop in this area.  

During my time as a governor so far, I have been endlessly impressed by the commitment and dedication of the team at Park Road in delivering a high standard of education in a safe, nurturing and enriching community environment. Children enjoy a rich, varied education and have access to a wide range of learning experiences and extra-curricular activities. I have also appreciated flexibility and creativity shown by the team in overcoming challenges that have arisen.

Park Road Primary School is in an exciting phase of change and growth. We have welcomed Mrs Quigley to the role of head teacher, have fully implemented the ‘my happy mind’ program and have embarked on our high performance learning journey. A key role of the governing body is to provide support and challenge to school, to monitor performance in key areas and to ensure school is delivering the strategic vision agreed. As a team of governors, we will continue to work to ensure Park Road Primary School continues to provide the best possible primary school experience to all pupils.

If you have any questions about the role of the Governing Body, or are interested in becoming a Governor yourself, then please feel free to get in touch.

With best wishes,

Michelle Kilmurray
Chair of Governors
Park Road CP School

Co-opted Governors are people appointed by the board and who, in the opinion of the board, have the skills required to contribute to the effective governance and success of the school.

Parent Governors are elected by the parents of all students who are registered at the school. When a vacancy occurs, parents are informed by a letter from the Headteacher and nominations are invited.

Staff Governors are elected by their fellow members of staff, Park Road has 1 member of staff on the Governing Body. The Headteacher is also a governor.



Meet Our Governors

Dr Michelle Kilmurray

Dr Michelle Kilmurray

Chair of Governors

Michelle's term of office will end on 14 March 2027 Michelle works part time as an NHS Clinical Psychologist, and is experienced in working with children and families in NHS settings. She is passionate about promoting emotional resilience and well being for all children. Michelle is keen to use her time on the governing body to support school's existing plans to promote this.

Mrs Michelle Wainwright

Mrs Michelle Wainwright

Parent Governor, Vice Chair

Michelle is a Parent Governor, her term of office ends on 18th April 2027. Michelle has a son at the school and has been incredibly impressed with the care that he has received during this time. Michelle is keen to give something back to the school and community. She has 10 years experience working in the NHS and resolution, with skills and attributes that she hopes, will be of benefit to the governing body.

Mrs Pauline Crosthwaite

Mrs Pauline Crosthwaite

Co-opted Governor

Co-Opted Governor, elected to the Governing Body 24 March 2017, term of office ends 5 October 2024 No pecuniary interests Both of my children attended Park Road School, and when the opportunity arose to join the governing body of the school, I was eager to get involved and help support the school to deliver high quality education in a welcoming and nurturing environment. With a background in finance and data, and having always worked in corporate environments, I am continually inspired by the passion and dedication of all the staff at Park Road to the children. I have been a governor for over 4 years and recently became Chair of Governors. I am committed to continually challenge and support the school to deliver the very best start for the children it serves.

Mr Richard Hirst

Mr Richard Hirst

Co-Opted Governor

Co-opted Governor, term of office ends May 2027, Richard's wife, Kate, is the school's Office Manager. Richard joined the Park Road Board of Governors in May 2022. He is currently retired and had previously worked for nearly 40 years as a Boilermaker, Team leader and Workshop Manager at a chemical manufacturer. He has a background in Health and Safety and had previously been an elected Parent Governor while his children were at Park Road and before his wife worked at the school.

Mr Ronnie Gemmell

Mr Ronnie Gemmell

Parent Governor

Ronnie's term of office as Parent Governor will end December 2026. Ronnie is currently contracted with BAE Systems developing the Royal Navy's replacement SSBN submarine; this following a lengthy career in the Royal Navy. With 2 children currently pupils in Park Road, Ronnie has a vested interest in ensuring the school is managed professionally, providing a safe and welcoming teaching environment for all children to thrive and to help achieve their maximum potential.

Mr Peter Finch

Mr Peter Finch

Staff Governor

Peter is the Maintenance officer at the school and has recently become the Staff Governor. Peter joined the Governing Body on 9 October 2017 and his term of office ends on 8 October 2021.



Co-Opted Governor


Governor Meeting Attendance

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Updated: 10/11/2023 38 KB
Updated: 15/03/2023 231 KB
Updated: 15/09/2022 28 KB
Updated: 23/02/2021 179 KB
Updated: 22/08/2022 17 KB
Updated: 28/09/2020 17 KB

Governor Declaration of Personal, Business and Educational Interests

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Updated: 15/03/2023 137 KB

The Omega Multi- Academy Trust Master Funding Agreement  provides the framework within which the Trust operates. 

Each school within the Trust has a separate Supplemental Funding Agreement.

Click here to view the Trust Master Funding Agreement

Click here to view our Supplemental Funding Agreement

Associated Documentation

Click here to view the Trust  Articles of Association

Click here to view the Local Governing Body Code of Conduct

Click here to view the Local Governing Body Terms of Reference

Click here to view the Trust  Scheme of Delegation

Click here to view the Trusts' Audited Financial Statement

Could you be a school governor at Park Road Community Primary School?

  • Do you want all our children to get the best from school?
  • Do you have the time and commitment to get to know a school, go to meetings and read papers?
  • Do you want to put something back into your local community?
  • Are you interested in people?
  • Are you prepared to work as part of a team?
  • Are you comfortable asking challenging questions?
  • Are you open to new ideas and ready to learn?

Making a difference

Governors are people like you. You don't need specific qualifications, just the desire to make a difference, approximately 2-6 hours spare time a month including some time to visit the school occasionally during the school day.  All governors must be 18 or over.

New governors are often surprised at how their experiences can be used to help solve problems at their school. You don't have to be a specialist; just think about the skills you use in everyday life. Being a school governor is a big responsibility, but can be one of the most rewarding ways of contributing to your local community. As a school governor, you have real opportunities to:

  • Raise educational standards in your local school
  • Help children achieve their full potential
  • Identify and develop the school's management team
  • Identify where the school can improve and help make it happen
  • Improve the school's financial efficiency and effectiveness
  • Engage parents, pupils and the local community to benefit the school
  • Develop an environment which promotes learning
  • Work as part of a team, towards a common goal
  • Acquire new skills, new friends and a real sense of achievement
  • Share in and celebrate the success of children, staff, teachers and the school as a whole

How much time will it take?

Being a governor means making yourself available for some evenings each term and occasionally during the day.

Governing bodies meet once or twice a term usually in the evening and on average meetings last about 2- 2 ½ hours.  Most governors are expected to become a member of a committee responsible for a specific aspect such as Finance, Personnel, Pupil Progress and School Improvement or Premises and Health and Safety.

You will also need some time to read papers, prepare for meetings and to attend training.  The amount of time varies widely, depending on how involved you become and what needs doing, but schools do need governors who are fully committed.

You have a legal right to ask your employer for “reasonable” unpaid leave or flexible working, and some employers offer limited paid leave for this as it constitutes a public duty.  What is considered reasonable will vary according to the nature of your job and your employer.

Are governors paid?

All governors are volunteers and there is no payment for carrying out the role.  The school has a policy in place that can cover some expenses to reimburse governors for necessary expenses such as care for children or dependent relatives or travel.


Almost anyone over 18 can serve as a governor but there are some understandable restrictions. No one can serve if they:

  • Are barred from working with children or vulnerable adults
  • Are subject of a bankruptcy restriction order or similar
  • Have certain criminal convictions, depending on the nature of the offence and sentence and how long ago it was

How can I become a governor?

You can become a school governor by:

  • Being appointed by the other governors as a co-opted governor.
  • Being elected by parents as a parent governor, if your child attends the school.
  • Being elected by the staff, if you are a member of the teaching or non-teaching staff.