The HPL Team


Our High Performance Learning (HPL) Team consists of 5 children from Year 6.  The children applied and were appointed following an interview with Mrs Quigley and Miss Mills.


Our team meets every 3 weeks before school and will sometimes meet voluntarily during lunchtimes to finish off any projects that we have been working on.


The team was introduced to support and develop our school HPL Values, Attitudes and Attributes (VAAs) and Advanced Cognitive Performance characteristics (ACP)s. We delivered an assembly in January, to launch High Performance Learning in school and the journey we were embarking on.


During our initial meetings, we discussed what HPL meant to us as a school and how it complimented our school values. We decided, as a team, how we could show-case the values we were working on in each classroom and across school by creating our ‘Everyone Can’ planets. Children are placed on the planet when they have demonstrated the value we are focussing on.


We present certificates each week, in the whole school celebration assembly, to children who have demonstrated the values and have been recognised for doing so.


We invited our Innov8 team to join us in helping to create characters to represent each of our values.  The HPL team wrote character profiles to explain what each of the values means - to support our school community’s understanding of them.


For our final task as the current HPL team, before we move on to High School, we are currently adding the finishing touches to our presentation which we will share with school and the wider community.


The team will continue next year with representatives from our school.