Welcome to Park Road Community Primary School
A very warm welcome to Park Road Community Primary School from myself, the staff and our Governors. My name is Kathryn Quigley and I am extremely proud to be the Headteacher here at Park Road Community School. I have worked at the school for the last 9 years, first as the Deputy Headteacher and now as the Headteacher.
I know when choosing a school for your child, it can be a really tricky task; there are so many things to consider. I’d like to take this opportunity to give you a taste of Park Road and what I believe makes us an exceptional school.
At Park Road we put nurture and wellbeing at the heart of everything we do. We know that children who feel loved and safe are able to thrive and become the best possible version of themselves. Visitors, and our current families and children, tell us that they feel ‘that something special’ and warmth as soon as they enter our school. We aim to always put our mission statement at the core of everything we do – we want all children to be ‘unique individuals who are learning together’ in harmony.
Children in our school achieve well as a result of high-quality teaching and also the excellent support we offer. Our results at the end of all key stages are consistently above national and local results. All children benefit from the high expectations we hold, and as a result meet their full potential. Learning at Park Road is underpinned by our school values and High Performance Learning, which teaches children the skills and values to develop into the future, successful citizens of the world.
At Park Road, community is not only is a key part of our school name, but everything that makes Park Road great! We have many opportunities for parents to be involved in both the school day to day learning, and community focused events. We have a wonderful Parent Forum Association (PFA) who plan and host many community events – family movie night, chocolate bingo, fairs – as well as supporting school to offer brilliant experiences to our children.
Our wellbeing focus is underpinned by key parts of our school. Some highlights include:
- All children having the opportunity to care for and protect class pets, from our free range chickens, to Giant African Land Snails, to our tortoise.
- Purposeful and meaningful enrichment, providing children with wider opportunities for their personal development.
- Weekly lessons to support understanding mental health and how to be healthy mentally.
- Opportunity for all children to play and learn through play, working with children across school.
- A variety of leadership opportunities where children see the impact of their voice on school development.
- Wellbeing sessions throughout the year including community cafes for all family members, disco Fridays and ‘Big Dig’ community events.
I hope this has given you a flavour for our school along with the different areas of our website; however, we would love to see you and show you all of these things in action. Contact us for details of our tours where our Year 6 children would enjoy nothing more than giving you a guided tour from their eyes and showing you even more. We look forward to meeting you.
Mrs K Quigley
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