This term we welcomed our new PE Apprentice James Bibby to Park Road Community Primary School.  

We asked Mr Bibby to tell us a little more about himself and what he will be doing during his time with us.  

"I have been working with the children to help keep them active through a series of fun activities set up at break time and lunch time.  

These activities include different types of races, throwing games such as with a tennis ball, bean bags and obstacle courses. On top of this there are sports such as football and rugby taking place. I am working alongside other teachers at school to assist in PE lessons for every year group. We aim to keep the PE lessons engaging whilst also fun as well as having an impact on the children’s development. 

This half term I am looking forward to starting several after school clubs such as football for boys and girls, netball, and continuing Disney Stars on from last year. In these clubs we will work on a different skill every week to help develop our knowledge of the sport whilst still having as much fun as possible. 

My goal is to help children develop a love for sport and PE and to help find new interests and hobbies in things that they may never have been interested in. I also hope to be able to build positive relationships with every child in the school so that everybody can feel included in all activities and look forward to each PE lesson. 

Outside of school I am also a qualified football referee which I have done for 4 years now as well as a qualified football coach as I coach an under 10s football team which I have recently just started with. I like to have knowledge of different sports and what is going on in the world of sports news, as well as trying to keep an understanding of all the rules in different sports to be able to coach and teach to the best ability. 

I have really enjoyed my weeks at the school as every child and member of staff was very welcoming towards me and made me feel like a part of the school community, by always saying hello on the corridor and asking about what activities I have planned for the day and telling me they are looking forward to it. 

I am looking forward to the rest of this school year and getting to work with all the children and get to know everyone involved at the school to build professional relationships and see how everyone develops by working as a team to the best of our abilities."

Welcome to the school Mr Bibby!